need ideals (not on topic)
My husband just called , one of the men he works with ,daugther, was in a burn accident and is in the hospital. He needs me to go get a gift for her from all the guys in the office...she is 11 years old . I don't know much details other than her hands weren't burned so i know she has use of her hands.....what do 11 year old girls like now days?...some of my thoughts are.. a robe..virtual pet game..balloons...I will probably have about 50-75 dollars to spend....any ideals?? or are my ideals what a 11 year old will like?...~Mary~
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Mary, I don't have ANY 11 year old girls around me but my co-worker has a 10 year old daughter, she's into nail polish, boys, teen magazines, boys, music, boys, her game boy, boys, talking on the telephone, boys and oh, did I mention boys? Sorry I couldn't be of more help but I will be keeping her in my thoughts and prayers. I'll ask around and if I hear anything else I'll let ya know, this is hard since I don't know her. She could be a total tomboy and not like any of that stuff.... ugh! Best of luck! Sheryl