Dr. Moran in Raleigh
Dr. Moran was my surgeon. My first appointment with him was Nov 17th, 2007 and my RNY surgery was Jan 2, 2008. His staff was nice but as is the case with most things, you are your own best advocate. I was really on the ball with my appts and paperwork. As a matter of fact, I purposely scheduled my yearly physical with my PCP for 2 days after my WLS consultation. This helped a lot as my PCP was able to go ahead and do all my bloodwork. I wasn't sure about Dr. Moran's personality at first. He does not come across as warm and fuzzy initially. After I'd seen him a few times, I realized that he just has a very dry sense of humor. I've had no problems at all and my recovery was great. Good Luck Christy
i LOVE your avatar -- i collect pigs, think they are the greatest!
Can you give me some idea about the out of pocket costs -- I have BCBS insurance, and have a $750 deductible . . . was told that would have to be paid before surgery. My question is: all the initial appointments you have to have, nutritionist, psychologist, etc., will I pay a co-pay or have to pay the full amount but that will count toward my deductible? And the initial bloodwork, etc, will that be covered with a co-pay or should I expect to pay full price for that? just trying to figure things out and see how long it will take me to have enough $$ to get surgery scheduled
Dr. Moran was my doctor. I had my rny on March 1 of 2007. He and his staff, especially Janell, his nurse, are the greatest. I love him. I have lost 110 pounds since my surgery. When I had my yearly labs done at the end of Feb. my liver panel was hight, after an ultrasound I was found to have gallstones and Dr. Moran took my gallbladder out on March 7. Again he did a great job. You have made the right choice with Dr. Moran.