Wow!!!! Jami!!!
You are looking fantastic!!! Please go back and look at your photos as though you were looking at someone else ... You'll be so much more forgiving and give yourself more credit. You'll see how much smaller your abomen, waist and hips are, you'll see the slimmer face and back. You are making incredible progress, not only in the amount of weight you are losing and the change in your body's shape, but in your activity level. The changes you are making to your lifestyle are going to go a long way towards your maximizing your weight loss potential in the short term and your weight loss maintenance in the long term.
Congratulations on your many transformations.
Wishing you continued success,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I CANNOT wait for my 2 month pics, because I am sure the results will be more significant then!!
Everyone that has seen me says that I for sure look smaller, but I guess we are our own worst critics, huh?! But I know I sure do feel good