I finally decided to quit being a big baby and be proactive, so I called the hospital to see if they had recieved a copy of my stress test . They hadn't. I called the heart doctor's office and I was told that the stress test had been faxed to the hospital. I called the hospital back and the sweet lady I talked to gave me a fax number for the heart doctor to fax the stress test to again. I called the heart doctor and they are supposed to try to fax a copy of the stress test over again. The lady at the hospital is supposed to call me back when she recieves the fax. I haven't heard from her yet. I'm so frustrated.You'd think in this age of magnificent techology it wouldn't be so hard to get a fax from one place to another. I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense but all this waiting around is making me a nervous wreck.
Helen -
I'm sorry that you are having a frustrating experience ... no amount of technology will make up for the human factor ...
Let us know when they get all your 'stuff.'
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
If the hospital hasn't received it by lunch tomorrow, I would drive over to the Cardiologists office and pick up a copy of it myself. Then I would hand deliver it to whomever it goes to. I had to threaten to do that with my exercise reports that my insurance requested. The doctor's office, or nurse case manager, just couldn't seem to make it happen on their own without a little intervention. The threat of my not so smiling face in front of them was enough. It was there in half an hour.
Take care.

Hey Pink:
I had heard of these types of runarounds on this site previous to my going through all this stuff so i requested all docs fax to me and then i faxed on and rec'd a confirmation. That way they couldn't tell me they didn't receive it. The only exception to this was the psychologist who had to send her report directly to the doc.
Take care, pam