I'm so disappointed. A nurse from the hospital called yesterday for the presurgery interrogation. I spent about 30 minutes on the phone with her when suddenly she realized that the surgeon had not had me do a stress test. I had a stress test last year, if she can't get information on that stress test it looks like my surgery will be delayed. I've spent the time since then blubbering like a big baby. I was so excited about my surgery Friday and starting my new life.

Pink, time to stop crying and time to take action! You had the test, now you need to make sure everyone gets the results! Unfortunately sometimes we have to ride folks to make sure they are doing their jobs. It's a pain in the butt, because we feel we are paying for THEIR services not the other way around. But you can track down those test results and have them faxed immediately to your doctor or whoever needs them. in fact, you can get faster results if you have the medical office who needs the results call whoever did the test and request to have them faxed directly to them. They seem to listen a whole lot better to each other. Your insurance company can provide you with the dates these tests were taken.
Hopefully you are already getting this done instead of reading this post! Let us know, Sweetie, and don't worry. I know the terror of thinking that this gift will be snatched away at the last minute. You WILL get there!