Shopped til we dropped!!!
Well, the NEW Mare and I (wait til you guys see her!! She is doing FABULOUS!) decided to go GoodWill Hunting Beach-style, Carolina Beach, that is! We both found some terrific items for the summer! I bought about 15 shirts and tops and a dress, and Mare got a whole bunch of skirts, tops, and dresses. We were there over 2 hours and then really "splurged" for lunch and split an order of steamed dumplings at a Chinese restaurant, while the waiter wondered what was wrong with either us or the food that we were eating so little and so slowly!
It was so wonderful to spend an afternoon with my dear friend and to think we did it clothes shopping!!! Who woulda thunk it???? I NEVER enjoyed shopping for clothes, much less trying them on!
Suz and Mare- Next time you are so darn close to my house ( I live 5 min from the GW on Carolina Beach Rd)- you two better call me! I have this new belly that I am dying to go try on some new clothes! Glad ya'll had so much fun! Can't wait to see ya'll soon!
I am a work in progress and I am committed to progress with the work ahead of me.....
Wow Suzanne.. it seems you had a GREAT TIME! I love it when you get all those great GW bargains. It is my new favorite place to shop!!
And I also love it when a waiter thinks you did not like the food. LOL Little do they know how much we really DID like food. (and still do.. LOL)
Glad you and Mare had a good day!
It WAS a lovely day. One of the things I found fascinating, and which I know I was able to experience because of the low prices, was that I bought things I would never have bought before! It seemed as though all the things I was SURE would suit me, didn't look good at all on me and wound up back on the rack. Whereas I tried things that I was SURE would be too tight or too girlie (or too pretty for fat old me?), and those were the items I thought looked best and pleased me the most and wound up coming home with me! I would never have even tried them on if they were listed at full price in a regular store. So it seems Good Will has a sort of therapeutic effect on us, as well as a financial benefit, as we learn to adapt to this new world of ours!