Getting back on track....
Nobody said this was going to be easy...I just kinda expected it to be. Silly ME! I thought I would have surgerry and POOF...I would lose weight! LOL Wouldn't that be nice. My bubble be burst! LOL
Lot's going on "mentally". The wake up call of soon turning 40 is really opening my eyes! Is this my mid-life crisis? No, but it sure has gotten me thinking of what I have YET to do in my lifetime. Little reflection, if you will.
I came up to VA Beach for a week away by myself. It's been nice just focusing on ME! Not trying to be selfish but when I dont take care of myself, and I havent been...get kindda grumpy. Trying to put things into perspective so I can continue my lifes journey in the most fulfulling way.
The beach is beautiful, I've never been here before. I'm staying oceanfront and the Boardwalk is a great incentive to get out and walk. I love being at the beach...any beach! The sound of the waves is sooo relaxing. My daughter is coming up on Wed. to stay overnight, little girl time together is alway nice.
I went grocery shopping and bought ONLY healthy foods that I should be eating. At home I had gotten sooo of many influences. I feel better already!
Thanks for listening to my rant. I think we all go through " a time" and I'm glad that I have friends here for support.
Wanna be my Wagon-Partner? As in "getting back on the wagon"?
I gained *way* too much with both of my pregnancies, and am now having to fight each day to get it off. I could let myself go, but I need to do this for myself.
So if you need some encouragement, or a swift kick.. lemme know. And do the same for me, will ya?
Hey Wendy... You mentioned that you are approaching 40. So am I. In a couple months. But I have a tremendously positive outlook about it that I hope can rub off on you. I am looking at it this way...
I will be the healthest and happiest I have been since probably elementary school. I will look better and feel better and KNOW I AM MUCH BETTER. You just took a huge step to change your life and now that you are hitting a milestone birthday like 40.... EMBRACE IT GIRL. This is your now!! You will have a wonderful birthday and things in life will change. I do hope that you can know you have lots of people pulling for you here. Since I'm gonna be 40... I will be your big kick in the butt too. take the time you need to mentally get prepared to make this your year. You can do this. You are doing this. You just do it! I'm proud that you took the time for you to mentally get back on track. I will volunteer to go along with you next time though. LOL. the beach is a wonderful place to destress. ENJOY YOUR TIME!! ENJOY YOU!!!!
Let me know if you need anything... Like the others have said... this is what we are all here for each other for. Have a fabulous week!!
Connie - Got Avon? Its not just about makeup anymore... Always check out the "About Avon" tab on my website for my latest special. Thanks for Browzing!!
THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
Connie -
I'm not really worried about turning 40, it has just made me do a lot of reflecting on my life. I've already deemed this "My Year".
I have plans to do a lot of things that I always "said" I wanted to do and just never have...starting with going back to nursing school and skydiving. Those are two major things for me. After I got my LPN I always had planned on going back to school to get my's been 14 yrs! I am now making it a reality. Next skydiving...I'm scared of heights! I think that if I can do that I will show myself that I can control my fear. Although the skydiving will have to wait until my weight drops a bit..not fatties allowed.
Look out I come!
Thanks for the support!
((((((((((((Wendy))))))))))))good to see you and congrats on finally be a Bander! Welcome to the I can relate to thinking it would be "easy" post-op- but in reality, that's when the retraining the head and thought process begins. I still, 1 yr post-op, tell myself often- "you do not need that _______( candybar, chips, glass of wine, etc), because you have worked awefully hard to get to such a healthy, fit place and YOU DESERVE TO BE HEALTHY AND FIT! " It becomes a regular dialogue. You probably just have the 4-6 week post op blahhhh and being away and getting refocused will help tremendously! Hang in there girl! Enjoy the beach.
I am a work in progress and I am committed to progress with the work ahead of me.....