LOL.......Nancy, your funny. I would have said "I'm sorry, I didnt hear you?" Get a repeat! LOL I do that to my husband...if he says something I want to hear again..I'll say "huh?" or "what?" I do it a couple of times till he smiles!
YAY NANCY! Hey.. be vain. I look at it like this.. we spent so much of our lives being invisible. Men did not notice us.. women wanted us as a "fat friend". So hey.. I soak up every bit of flirting and vain-ness I can these days. It is nice to be on the map again!
Noodle 69,
You made me laugh - thanks! Eat it up girl! I know it felt good!!!! I hope all is well with you and the family! I started my online courses for a new job within the Fire Dept on base, so wish me luck! Daytime hours, weekends off (like a normal person!!!).
choking again on sheryl being normal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, it's April Fools-----only messin', you know I love ya'! Even tho I don't hear you whistling!!!
Hey now, I can be normal, it's just not as much fun! hehe!!! I did whistle and I whistled loud.. you snob! Just kiddin back, I luv ya too girl! April fools or not!