OMG- Sheila has re-appeared!!!!
Hi Sheila~
Great to see you again!!! Its been such a long time since I have seen you in person and we have got to get together one of these days!!! Congrats on the Tummy Tuck.. I actually have had a bunch of PS done a few years ago and I agree its worth it and so much fun!!! I bet your stomach looks fab!!! hubby already said after I lose all my weight I can get mine done. Illl probably have the same PS I had do my boobs down in Wilmington, he wont even recognize me LOL congrats again and hope to see you someday soon!!
Great to see you again!!! Its been such a long time since I have seen you in person and we have got to get together one of these days!!! Congrats on the Tummy Tuck.. I actually have had a bunch of PS done a few years ago and I agree its worth it and so much fun!!! I bet your stomach looks fab!!! hubby already said after I lose all my weight I can get mine done. Illl probably have the same PS I had do my boobs down in Wilmington, he wont even recognize me LOL congrats again and hope to see you someday soon!!
Thanks everyone! It is so cool to see everyone's new photos after being MIA.
We definitely need to do a Wilm/ J'ville get together some time soon.
Sheryl is kinda working on one in Wilm. soon.I am open for suggestions. Next week is very busy with Azalea Festival and a designer on vacation, but after next week- my schedule is free.
I am a work in progress and I am committed to progress with the work ahead of me.....