Scale suggestions
Hi Brenda -
I have two sets of scales ... being 50, I find that the WW scales I have are a little hard to read if I don't have my glasses on ... LOL, but they give me a lot of great information including BMI, change since the last time I weighed, water weight, lean body mass, etc... I got it at Target and I think it ran about $50. I also have a Tanita scale that has bigger numbers on it.
I should warn you that weighing can become addictive and problematic ... I found that weighing daily is okay as long as I just chart my weight once a week. When I was following it on a daily basis, it made me crazy. Charting it once a week allows me to see the trends in my weight loss. I use to track my weight loss. It's a big help because I can see the trends and tell if I'm on 'target' for someone with my demographics.
Good luck with the scales.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I have a new philosophy, I'm only going to dread one day at a time. Charlie Brown