Even us Old Timers make food mistakes
So last night after a wonderful dinner cooked by my Dear sweet husband ( steak and baked tater ) ... a couple hours later I had a fresh pineapple I had bought for Easter and did not end up using it so I decided to cut it up and take it to work today as my fruit snack,, well the pineapple was so WONDERFUL smelled so good I could not help myself I had a bite or seven ( and of course shared with my dogs that love fruit and veggies ) .... at first it appeared all was fine no problems... as I set on the sofa reading my book, as the husband watched basketball , I felt a bit sick , oh no I am going to dump I know this feeling NO PROBLEM I am Queen of the Dump , I can do this with my eyes closed,,, so I just headed to the bathroom and try as I might I could not bring much of the fruit up ...there was no foam , humm I thought this is weird , never had a problem with losing the bad choice before , then it hit me like a ton of bricks, I had the worst stabing pain in my gut I have ever had , it was worse than gallbladder , it was so painful , I could hardly catch my breath ... I went to bed and tried to get it out of my mind ,, no way, the pain got worst, I was near saying " Gavin call 911 " ... and it let up just enough that I thought " okay , it is over THANK YOU LORD " ,,, it came back and it was worst, I got up from my bed to head back to the bathroom and did not make it before I started to pass out,,, I went stright to the floor ( Poor husband was freaked out ) ,,,, my ears started buzzing everything went black and I broke out in a cold sweat... LADIES, I was never so scared in my life for a few moments I thought I was going to die. I told my husband get me a trash can, there was no way I would be able to walk to the bathroom,,, finally a bit came back up , I was so shaken .
I am thinking a piece got stucked in my pouch or the drain tube below , don't know for sure but one thing I do know, I WILL NEVER EAT PINEAPPLE AGAIN.
So at 2 years and 2 weeks out from surgery I had my worst moment, it was so much worst than my RNY surgery was and really so scary I cried .
SO it really made me think - Yes we old timers still make the food mistakes by not chewing our food enough or making bad choices, all we can do is share our experences with our Gastric buddies in hopes they can learn by our mistakes.
Happy Friday to you all .
I'm so sorry to hear of your scary incident with the pineapple. I hope that you feel much better now.
Thanks for reminding us that this is a long term learning experience.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
How scary! I'm glad you're doing better now!!! I don't eat pineapple either, something about it just doesn't agree with my pouch. But I didn't have anything like you had, just a bit of normal old fashioned dumping for me. When I dump mine doesn't come back up, mine comes out the other end and until then I'm miserable. I know... TMI!!! lol! It is strange how we learn stuff even this far out huh?
Take care of yourself and chew chew chew!
08/22/2002 (WLS date)
425/177/238/160 (high/low/current/goal)
"Don't count the moments but make the moments count!!"
08/22/2002 (WLS date)
425/177/238/160 (high/low/current/goal)
"Don't count the moments but make the moments count!!"