What's it called when you break the 300 lb mark?
'Cuz that's what I finally did! Whoop!! I know I'm still "fluffy" but I'm making progress.
It actually happened yesterday but I have been outta commission for a few daze. Have a wicked stomach virus that has kept me up doubled over in agony the past 4 nights. Like clockwork - 1:00 am the agony begins.
Yup, just what I need 6 weeks post op. I'm also dehydrated. Went to the doctor yesterday. Kept me there on IV for 4 hours to get some fluids into me.
As much as I am trying to do everything the right way, it's still difficult to get in all the fluids & protein required when you have an automatic gag reflex...due to virus, I hope. But today's a new day and I am feeling a bit better. Concentrating on my fluids today. Won't be able to get out there and walk. Slightest movement is torture to my belly. Oh yeah, I seemed to have "upset" my hernia too with all the walking lately. *sigh*
Just wanted to share my breakthrough with you.
IT's called TOOTERVILLE, honey, and congratulations on getting there!!!! Not too sure if I approve of your most recent weight-loss efforts (gagging and puking!) but hey, whatever it takes, right? LOL
So sorry to hear you aren't feeling so hot. Try to be gentle with yourself, Wonder Woman. You are doing so well! I am SO proud of you!!!