So far so good
WOW big difference. I think everyone of us had the same feelings, I could not see what everyone told me they saw -- The mirror was never my friend. It is really funny how we all still see ourselfs as larger ... although I can wear a size 10, I can not stop myself from going stright to the plus sizes///
You are doing GREAT - keep up the good work and take pictures EVERY week, it will really help you believe you are you and not some sexy supermodel :)
Lexi -
You are looking fabulous! I can definitely see a huge difference. Not only in your size, but your shape has changed dramatically.
Keep it up and keep taking those photos. It takes time for our heads to catch up ... I'm still waiting for mine to catch up ... LOL.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
You know Barb this persistent fat roll in the middle was REALLLLLY botherin me, but when I look at those pics I realize how much smaller it really is. It just doesn't FEEL smaller because the fat around my ribs is gone and my hips are so much smaller.
It's all in the perspective!
Lexi - Size 6-8 and holding.