migraines... what to do, what to do!!??

on 3/24/08 10:16 am - Gastonia, NC
Now that I have experienced migraines again after surgery I am really hoping someone has advice about what kind of meds they are taking post op.  I had migraines preop also, but for the past two months I have been in the bed with ice packs and total darkness for at least one day...this past weekend it was all day Saturday and Sunday.   I was in bed all day yesterday!!  I know it is hormonal because it is just at the time for the monthly visitor.  (which is another whole story of misery since surgery!!!).   Taking tylenol is like eating Tic Tacs!!!  I have had a really hard time eating anything from the sick feeling from the pain!!   I know I can't really take anything stronger without contacting my surgeon/pcp/obgyn...but I am miserable.  ::: yep... whining today!!  sorry!!:::  HELP...!  Any migraine sufferers that can suggest something.  I plan to make an appointment of some sort this week.  Just not sure if I should talk to my surgeon, pcp, neurologist, or obgyn.   Thanks !  Connie

www.youravon.com/cmccaughey Got Avon?  Its not just about makeup anymore... Always check out the "About Avon" tab on my website for my latest special.  Thanks for Browzing!!  

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on 3/24/08 10:28 am - Windsor, NC

I would suggest your PCP because they can cover all the bases if need be. Have you ever considered something like imitrex? or any of the other prescription migrain meds? You can get the Auto Injectors that will give you a shot and you don't ahve to worry about absorbtion issues and it works fast.

There are other options as well and your PCP should be able to work with you to find a solution. What I would do, is write down everythink that you experience and when each time you have the headache. Don't leave out the details, right down to any sort of visual problems as well. Try your best to relate to him/her the full extent of your pain. So often we down play our experiences because it is already past. That's why I suggest writing it all down before you go. It's easier to remember details that way, and it will be easier for your Dr. to be able to find a good solution for your problem.

Good luck sweetie, I hope you get some relief soon!

Start: 306
Surgery: 284
Current: 167
Goal Weight: 155
on 3/25/08 2:36 am - Gastonia, NC
Thanks Holley.  I do need to write it all down.  I'm still not feeling well at all even still today.  The "after migraine headache".!!!  Its really getting old.  I took the auto injector Imitrex years years ago.  I don't really remember if they worked or not I just remember always having to sleep in a dark room, no noise, icepacks and being sick from smells, sounds, anything.  Mine are located mainly on the right side of my head.  I would at times think it is sinus but the pain is just too intense.   I really thank you for your advice.  I'm keeping a journal again for my headaches and I will take with me to the dr.  

www.youravon.com/cmccaughey Got Avon?  Its not just about makeup anymore... Always check out the "About Avon" tab on my website for my latest special.  Thanks for Browzing!!  

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Mary C.
on 3/24/08 10:40 am - Mooresville, NC

Make sure to tell the doctor your findings of the headaches corresponding to your menstrual period.  There are several different medications that can be used - Imitrex is what I use but I have also been on Cymbalta for migraine prevention -- and to me prevention beats trying to treat a migraine after it starts!  I am one who has to stay in the dark with an ice pack also. The good news is, according to my PCP, is due to my age my migraines should be becoming fewer and farther between.....I am still waiting!


on 3/25/08 2:40 am - Gastonia, NC
oddly enough I am already on Cymbalta....but I have cut back on my dosage.  Imitrex shots I've taken years ago...I just can't remember the outcome.  So that leads me to believe it didn't do much of help.  I just remember sleeping, in a dark room, with ice packs all day.  I hate that you also suffer with this plague!  they are horrible.  I am dealing with the "after headache" today.  I'm really struggling this month.   I have made an appointment with the obgyn  (its annual time anyway) so now I think I will call the neuro.  I just want them to go away!!

www.youravon.com/cmccaughey Got Avon?  Its not just about makeup anymore... Always check out the "About Avon" tab on my website for my latest special.  Thanks for Browzing!!  

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on 3/30/08 9:22 am - NC
I asked Dr. Bauman before my surgery what I could do for my monthly migraines. He said to ask my primary Dr. and he suggested coming in for a toradol shot. I remembered doing this when I first started having them. I normaly take Relpax but can't now.
Strange thing is, I have not had one since my surgery. I actually had one the morning of my surgery but I am 3 months post op and none since! I am SO glad, but it is strange. I almost wonder if something I was eating was contributing. I know hormones were playing a big part. Only had them right before my period.
I hope you get some relief. I know how you feel.

on 3/24/08 12:39 pm - Currie, NC
So sorry you are hurting, Connie.  I used to suffer from migraines but they went away after menopause.  Same thing with my mom who suffered terribly from them until menopause.  Hope you feel better soon.
on 3/25/08 2:43 am - Gastonia, NC
Thank you for your well wishes.  I thought they were over after surgery...but nope!  The dark room i've been in since Sunday is just about to close in on me.  I'm not one to stay in bed or IN!!  I shouldn't even be on the computer but I'm going crazy. 

www.youravon.com/cmccaughey Got Avon?  Its not just about makeup anymore... Always check out the "About Avon" tab on my website for my latest special.  Thanks for Browzing!!  

THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!  

on 3/24/08 11:15 pm - Richlands, NC
Oh Connie Im so sorry you are hurting! You and I suffer from the same thing! I have taken all the migraine meds under the sun but the only thing that totally kills my migraines are Vicodone or Valium and thats what I take to this day! works much better then Topamax or Imitrex in my opinion. I hope you feel better!!


on 3/25/08 2:47 am - Gastonia, NC
I think I have some vicodine ...  i just didn't know what we could and couldn't take.  I even took muscle relaxers last night to just sleep.  This has been a whopper one!  just sick to my stomach, and visual problems, and basic blahness. 

www.youravon.com/cmccaughey Got Avon?  Its not just about makeup anymore... Always check out the "About Avon" tab on my website for my latest special.  Thanks for Browzing!!  

THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!  

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