My husband & I went to Lake Norman this past Friday and Saturday. Stayed with some friends. I drove up after I got off work on Friday. Kathleen and I went straight to one of 2 Goodwills that is close by. WOW!!! Did I luck out on both days. It was getting to the point, Didn't have very much in my closet to wear that was not slacking in the wrong places. I'm proud to say that I'm wearing a size 12-14 now!!!! in just 31/2 months.
I couldn't believe i found clothing lines of Kasper, Chioc's, Talbot's, Kim Rogers, Liz Claiborne and Eddie Bauer to name a few. ALL Petites, They fit me purfect. Well, I do have a couple pairs of pants I bought that I'm going to have hemmed that they look better than if I did it, but what the heck, at $3.79 a pair, it's still a deal.
Just wanted to express my happiness.
PS: Had to go through my closet again and take items out and off the the resale shop again.
Don't you just LOVE Goodwill Hunting?!! It's like mining for gold ... sometimes you hit a vein and other times you get skunked, but the hunt is fun. Like you, I love to find the Talbot's, J.Jill, Ann Taylor, Chico's, Eddie Bauer, Liz Claiborne, Coldwater Creek, .... Need I keep going. I just sift through the stuff until I find a jewel and let the sludge go by the wayside.
My mom just came out from CA and was commenting on my lovely clothes. I told her that I had to admit that I hardly own a new piece of clothing. I think 98% of what I own now comes from a second hand store of some sort.
I also told her that some of my friends buy things that are smaller than their current size, but I have yet to become so bold. I'm always convinced that whatever size I am, is as small as I'll get ... so, I have size 14's, 12's, 10's, 8's and now a couple of 6's. I don't want to get rid of any of 'em in case I have some bounce back ... I guess old habits die hard ... LOL.
Enjoy your new booty!
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145