I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Noodle,
Thanks for keeping me up to date on whats been going on here in OH world! I don't think I would have survived without you! It was hard not being able to get on to chat, kinda felt like I was going through withdrawl (12 step program)... lol! Oh and thanks for the job offer.... haha, I would have definately wanted your number... hehe!
Have a great time in Charlotte! Rex and I are both working on Easter but we're going to get together before I go in (he's working days and I'm working nights as you know!). Hey, did ya get the picture I text you? That is Rex....lmao!
I'm looking forward to the next get together, I know I missed out but hopefully I'll get to the next one. I'm feeling a cold coming on if it's a work night... lol!
Take care girl! Happy Easter to you and your family!!!!!