I must have the best husband in the world....
I am so glad you all read my post THANKS...
The concert was the best , such a wide different crowd,, from little old ladies to young teen age girls, all races and all I think had a great time. Michael Buble really seams like a star and such a hunk :)
I would go again for sure.
And yes we must remember where we have come from or where we are going . We must never forget to support the ones who are still trapped in the weight and can not get out , or some who has lost only to gain back so much , I work with a lady who's cousin ( and by the way a really great inspiration to me at the start of my journey ) has gained 40 pounds back since last October .... when she told me , I cried , oh my goodness she must stop now before she gets back to where she started, she lost 200 pounds,,,,, no she can't go back. We must know this is a life time change not a quick easy fix.
You all keep me on track and for that I am greatful .
p.s. Cannon --- okay my husband has that cute British accent .... top that :)
Your story was so sweet. What a great husband! Yesterday my husband and I had a meeting at our son's high school. Our son will graduate in June and this was an IEP meeting to get ready for his leaving school. (He is mentally handicapped) When I walked into the room and saw that the teacher had arranged student desks in a circle for all the teachers and others involved in the meeting I almost freaked. Then I remembered that I fit in those stupid desks now. In fact there was plenty of room to spare. I don't know how long it will take to "feel" the 80 pound loss in situations like that but I will never forget not fitting into seats or booths. Bless those ladies who were kind to the heavy young women. Beth