I know someone suggested Chantix to you as help to quit smoking. While I am very happy that it was successfull for her husband, it is something that you should be VERY careful about. My husband also tried it to quit smoking and while he is normally a very easy going guy, it made him agressive and terrible to be around. It was an ordeal to go through. It got so bad, that he was advised to quit taking it. When it did, he suffered severe insomnia for about 5 days. I want him to quit, but for us it was just not worth it to go through that. I know it works easily for some people, just be careful and watch (or have a loved one) watch your moods while on it.
on 3/16/08 10:14 pm
My husband also used Chantix, and has had very good luck with it. The one side effect he has with it is that it does upset his stomach but that only last a very short time, so he has been able to tolerate it very well. It's been a micrcale for him. For me I quit cold turkey a year ago. Good luck to you