Stuck in a rut and frustrated!!
Pam, relax! Celebrate your victory! We are so used to beating ourselves up! And we are so used to failure when it comes to weight loss. As everyone else has said, we have all gone through this, I am experiencing a "breather" right now. It's ok, though, I am NOT gaining! LOL And I know it will kick in again. Probably not as high gear as before (I am almost 8 months out now) but I know it works and it IS working for you!
I get stuck every few days, and it's sooooo frustrating. It's like my scale teases me with a loss and then it goes up a few ounces and holds for several days, then plummets down again. Sadism is not a pretty characteristic in a scale.
This morning I had a follow-up appointment at the cancer center for lab work, and I guess I never knew how antsy I've been about this. I'm the first to admit I've been kind of crabby and short-tempered the past few days. And I was retaining more water than the Hoover Dam. That's one way my body responds to stress -- and let me tell you, it's been a struggle and a half to keep myself from nibbling myself into a coma, as that's traditionally another way I respond to stress. But one hour ago, I got certification that my initial CBCs are 100% fine, and I think I've spent about 40 of the past 60 minutes peeing out that stress I'd been accumulating for the past several days!
Hopefully tomorrow my scale won't be nearly as cruel.
That is awesome Kim. I am almost 53 and didn't have a cycle for over 4 months and thought it was finally going bye bye. Unfortunately I got a period the day after i was discharged after my surgery. It then went away for a week and I have had spotting for 9 days or so, so maybe that is my problem. Well i just keep eating my 600 calories so eventually, it has to start dropping again. I have also been walking every day, except today (3rd full day back to work and exhausted). I need to throw the frickin scale out the door as it has become my new obsession....guess i traded eating for this new one..lmao.
Take care, Pam
Hey, Pam,
That happened to me, too!! When I went in for my pre-ops, they were asking the date of my last period, and I was, like, "Do you want the month, year, or decade?" Then suddenly -- WHAMMO! -- I have to find the "feminine hygiene" product section of the supermarket all over again. Ironically, it's next to the baby food aisles -- which is ANOTHER ostensibly long-forgotten stage I thought I'd never see again but was wrong about. I'm almost afraid to find out what else I might have to re-live. (If you know, don't tell me. I'm happy with the carefree ignorance deal I've worked out for myself here.)
You know, that going-back-to-work thing might be causing some stress and weigh****er retention, huh? It's too bad you work in a place where people care about one another, or you could just abandon them to the sharks and swim as a part-timer all for yourself. Dang it. I hate it when my coworkers are actually nice.
I hope we don't have to re-live no more old for that.
The group I work with is sooo awesome that even while they were overworked and taking my quarter share of new work, they also worked my desk to their detriment. We are more like family then coworkers. We have a lottery pool so keeeping our fingers crossed!
Thanks again Kim and take care,
Hey Pam - I am going through that too. Down 28 lbs since surgery...which I know is a huge accomplishment...but stalled the past few days. I, too, weigh myself every day. I'm not freaking out though because I feel & see my clothes getting bigger and by belly getting flatter. I've read enough on OH to know I will lose again. Any day the scale isn't going up is a good day for me!
Whoo Hoo!!