Ok...I think I may FAINT...I got a date....
And it is NEXT WEDNESDAY! And at DUKE no less. Can you believe it? I about fell out of my chair when Beth asked me if I wanted the 19th...I thought she meant April...wrong...she meant next week. I am so nervous, I called my husband from work and was in tears!
So now I of course have a gazillion questions and am freaking out...I'm so afraid I can't do this...I am scared that I will fail since I haven't done any "exercise" rituals and of course my diet has been not the greatest. So I am convinced I will be among the statistics that this won't work on. Geez, nothing like being Miss negative!
I am so proud of all of you for the weight loss, you have been such an inspiration to me. I read this forum several times daily to see how everyone is doing and follow your ups and downs.
Well now that I have written a book...thanks for reading and have a great Tuesday!
p.s. anyone have Dr. Pryor?
Congrats!!!!! Getting a date is so exciting!!!!!!!! I was never scared or nervous....even as I was crawling on the operating table. I was ready and I was excited. I knew this was the right thing to do.
You will do great and this will work! You will be so motivated by losing weight that you'll actually eat like you should and even *gasp* exercise. At least that is how it has been for me.
I'm sliding over on the bench to make room for you!!!!!
Becky :)