LOOK who is Home!!!!
Hey Loser!!
Welcome to the bench and may we say Happy belated birthday....seeing as your new birthday to a new you was Wednesday. Glad your home. I believe you'll find the next few weeks a mixture of things.Physically sore, mentally all over the board. The largest thing hopefully will be the boardom and the thought that goes with it.....Ok so I can't eat so what do I do with my hands and time. You will find out how much time you spent mentally and physically around food. It will be harder on you like others with children because they still want to eat and you will get to the point you probably don't. Now is the time to keep notes and watch yourself. Question is it because I am really hungery that I want that or is it because I am standing her cooking it and I don't know what to do with myself. It will be a amazing journey. Happy one, scared one, disgusting one and enlightening all at the same time. Don't beat yourself up, don't be afraid to ask questions and keep the communication open with your hubby and family. They don't always understand cause they aren't going through what you will. Hormones will jump in here shortly when you go through these first few months of rapid weight loss, so don't think something is wrong with you. Dr Pender covered that with me and my husband. You have a New start at a New Life!!! Congradulations and remember I am only minutes away!!!
Beginning weight: 284
Surgery weight: 251
Current weight: 149