Need a little encouragement
Im sorry you are feeling so down. I also had to be on a two week clear liquid right after surgery and it did get me down in the dumps.. three weeks would of done me in LOL hold your head up high girlfriend because I PROMISE it DOES get better!!!! I think getting out and doing things like going to the park will do wonders for ya!!! best of luck to you!!
Make sure that coffee is decaf ... ;-)
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Having been there and done that, I can truly relate. I think it was just about the hardest 3 wks I've ever done. That said, I did I know that you can and will too. I absented myself from meals and meal making because the sight and smell of food just drove me 'round the bend. One of the things I did when I was having a hard time was go over the reasons I did this. It helped some. I also did other things that soothed me. Do some nice things for yourself. Get a fabulous pedicure, call a friend you haven't seen or talk to for a while. Go to a movie you'd love to see.
Believe me, this too shall pass ... and you'll be so glad it did ... Not just because you'll be able to start eating again, but because even though it's hard to see it now ... your life is changing forever.
Please feel free to pm me if you want to talk ... I'll be glad to share my contact info with you.
P.S. One of the other things I did was look for other that had the same program/doctors I did and I checked out their profiles and met them. I don't know if that would help, but if so, please feel free to start by check out mine. :-)
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145