I want to reach out
Hi again Myrtis,
I really want you to know what a wonderful thing you did by posting this topic.
Like you, you are experincing things you thought would never happen or things we took for granted.
Until a person has walked in the shoes of an obese person they will never know what a feeling it is to be free of so many disabiltys that come from being obese.
I may never be a normal size but I know I am so much happier and healthier since surgery and since I started to take control in 1998.
I would love to shout from the roof tops how much this surgery has done for me.
When I see a SMO person my heart aches for them.
I would love to wave a magic wand and help all obese people but I know wls is a personal choice.
I will be the first to tell you the idea of wls scarred me to death and it is scarry stuff.
Being a slave to a cane and having to take injections 4 times a day and going blind because of diabetes is scarry stuff too.
My wish for this wonderful post is I hope with all my heart it will touch a obese person and help them make the choice to save thier life with wls.
I also belive those who choose wls you have to want it more than anything and know it is hard work.