Question about Cramping
For the past week, at about 4 - 5 AM I wake up with a bad cramp in my stomach just below my rib cage. It hurts so bad I have to get out of bed. I usually move to the recliner. It hurts bad for about an hour. Usually I fall back to sleep at some point and then wake up again about 6:00. Actually I say is a cramping feeling but it also feels like a burning feeling. This morning I actually woundered if it was OK for me to chew a couple of TUMS. My husband suggested that it might be gas. Honestly I don't know how to tell. All I know is that it feels like cramps of the worst kind.
Has anyone else experienced this?
I haven't had this experience, but I would strongly suggest that you call your Dr's office this morning.
Please get back to us and let us know what he says.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I spoke to the nurse. She stated it may be gas since it comes and then goes away. If it happens again I am going to chew a Tums. I also will try the burping think. At least it will give DH something to do instead of ask a lot of questions. Are you sure your Ok? What does it feel like? Did you eat something you shouldn't have? I love him to death but he worries about everything and most of the time thinks the worst.