Where did you notice weight loss first.
You're doing GREAT! I wondered the same thing about clothes and then one day I realized my pants were too big. I noticed that my double chin shrank first, which I'm very glad about. I'm still waiting for the booty and thighs to go, but I have a feeling it will take awhile. I started walking from day one and would slowly increase the distance. I did have a few days where I was more tired and tried to take it a little easier and get more protein and water. Just do what feels right for you. I think your pouch will be fine, although I thought the same thing everytime I picked my son up!!! Keep up the good work.

SO far im going like this: Face Shoulders Hands THIGHS Feet My stomach has shrunk a little but not a ton. My butt shrunk too but I see that in my "hip" measurement and not so much just lookin at myself in the mirror. I dropped 2 sizes when I plateaued the first time (for two weeks at 40 somethin lbs) and 1 size the second time.
Just wait for your first stall, then hit the stores :)
Lexi - Size 6-8 and holding.