I didn't lie...the doctor told me like it was
I didn't have time to lie or say anything. She said I did not fill out your family medical leave papers because you are not stable to work anymore. She said I have been on the phych unit 3 times in the last 2 months and with my health she couldn't let me go back and feel good about it. She told me to get a case worker at social services to get help. I don't have insurance now and I went to see about medicade and they said it could take up to 45 days to get reviewed. So I can't go to the doctor or get my meds right now. They are going to give me $300.00 a month food stamps to feel me and my daughter. I got a appointment at social security on thrusday for ssi and disubility (SP). They told me on the phone it takes up to 4 months for ssi and up to a year if I get approved for disibulity and most are turned down the first time and I could reply. I just don't know how I am going to get through 4 months. If you are a praying person or go to church please pray for me. My name is Amy. If you have a prayer box or request at your church please put my name in it. I am the most scared I have ever been in my 43 years of life. I want to thank all of you for all the prayers and help and kind words from all of you. You are all the family and friends I have. I thank each and every one of you. I can't tell you how much you all mean to me. I love all of you.
Love Amy
I'm glad that you have an appointment with SSDI ... I have been through the process and while it is not uncommon for them to deny a claim, they also do approve them. You can re-apply if necessary. While you may not be able to afford your meds right now there are alternataives. There are programs for people who cannot afford to buy there meds. You can also often make arrangements with your doctor to see you at a reduced rate or get them to differ payments for office visits. If nothing else, if you need help ... ask, you might just be surprised at the answers you will get. Also consider contacting your church to see what they can do to help you in the short term. If you haven't contact UnitedWay for your area, do it now. They have access to a number of programs that might be able to help you with financial assistance, as well as resources for medical care. This is not a time to not get the medical care you need ... even if you can't afford it. If you don't have a social worker with your county, get one today! It's important. Between your social worker, social services through UnitedWay and social services through a local church, I think you can get your basic needs met ... those needs include medical care and medications.
Hang on hon,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
on 3/5/08 8:31 am