I'm 6 weeks post op as of today..........I've had great weight loss (39lbs) however, I'm constantly sicky feeling, never hungry...can't seem to eat and drink the needed requirements ever and when I do eat or drink I feel yuck all the time. Recently had an Endoscopy done to see if everything was okay, & it is.... I feel like a idiot when they tell me nothings wrong. Met w/ the dietician today she told me just to try and go slower, if I go any slower I wont get anything down. When I do go to the bathroom it's liquid, hasn't been solid in weeks. They (the drs etc..) say it's part of dehydration. How long is this going to freaking last. And does the nasty taste in your mouth after surgery ever go away?
Anyone have any advice/suggestions/ ideas
What can I do??????????/
Cristal -
Sorry to hear your having such a rough time.
Which surgery did you have? I'm only two weeks post-op for Lap Band. I would think if you can at least get in some protein drinks by sipping ALL day long and maybe adding some protein powder to pudding or something else that appeals to you. Just try your best!
As for the taste, that's your body in ketosis. Chew SF gum or suck on some SF hard candy.
I hope you get some relief soon. Has your Dr. offered you any anti-nausea med? I would ask for some Phenergan...it's an anti-nausea that would help IMMENSLEY! It can be taken every 4hrs and is not habit forming.
Best Wishes!
I too started getting really sick, dehydrated, diarrhea at @ 5 weeks out. Had endoscopy and said my stoma was just really irritated. But Dr did tellme that sometimes, the bacteria in your tummy gets out of whack. All the antibiotics they give you during surgery kills the good along with the bad. Dr gave me flagyl and after a week I felt much better. He also gave me liquid phengryn ( sp? ) and it really helped with nausea but side effects are diarrhea! The ketosis has finally started going away this week and I am at @ 6 1/2 weeks today. I hope you start feeling better soon. This was a big ordeal we went thru and it takes time. I still find it impossible to get 64 oz of water in. Im lucky to get 40 but I keep trying!!