Charlotte Support Groups??
Southeast Bariatrics holds one the 2nd Monday of every month @ 6:30 held at the Cornwell Center. Also they hold one the 2nd Saturday of every month @ 11:30 (this one is focused more on the band) All are open to any doctor's patients and surgeries.
Presbyterian has one....can't recall the date but I think it's on a Monday or Tuesday night.
CMC holds one also again can't say when but I have heard they have one.
Good Luck to your sister!!!!
Carolina Weightloss - where Dr. Bauman is - has a support group the first Tuesday night of each month at 6pm. Which I did miss tonight due to the weather. They welcome anyone to come if you are thinking about surgery, had surgery, or scheduled for surgery, or even wanting to do research. It is held at NorthEast Medical Center in Concord. Tonight's class was to be about reading labels and I really hate that I missed it. But driving from Gastonia in that horrible weather wasn't gonna be fun, so I do hope that if anyone went they can share with me.
She is welcome to come... anyone is! :-) Diane the nutritionist with that practice also usually is the one that leads the meetings. If you want more information I can direct you to the website with articles and upcoming month's programs. Just let me know.
Connie - Got Avon? Its not just about makeup anymore... Always check out the "About Avon" tab on my website for my latest special. Thanks for Browzing!!
THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!