I have finally made it to the platform...getting ready to get on the rollercoaster.
Hi Everyone!
Today was my appointment with Dr. Bauman. I had everything ready before going to see him. The only thing I was missing was the thyroid test which my PCP somehow left out of my lab work.
I will get that tomorrow and then Dr. B and Kim said they will send everything off for approval from insurance in the next few days and the we can set the surgery date either later this week or next week!!!!
I am so excited and a little scared, but mostly thrilled. I just wanted to share.

Jamie.....that sure is a wonderful feeling when the work is all done and turned in, isn't it?? Kim is excellent-she's really on top of things and she'll get in in ASAP. I was so anxious to hear the answer I called the insurance twice a day, and it was a day and a half before she got to call me---she's that busy. It may sound like a long time till the surgery once you get the date, but I assure you, it will fly by! Buckle up!