physch doctor today@11:30 SCARED!!!!!!!
I have been in and out of the phych unit for the last 2 months. I am anorexic,bulimic,bipolar,ocd,and post-turamic stress (SP). I have been out of work 2 months. I know in the back of my mind I can't do my job anymore and if I go back I know I will be let go. I don't have a good enough mind to do it anymore and I am so scared to tell the doctor. If I tell her the truth she will send me back to the phych floor. I am tired of going. And I am scared they will send me to one far off. I was hand cuffed and brought to the hospital in my town last time I was in her office. If I refuse to go they call the police and makes me go. Do I tell her the truth or play it off and go back and get fired? I don't know what to do. I have never been so scared.........
Tell the Dr. that you are scared and overwhelmed. You need the help. Also tell her how frightened you are of being hospitalized and let her know what you do want. If you can, take a friend that can act as an advocate for you. You are right, if you are having the problems you mention in your post, you probably are in no condition to work. Let her know of your concerns. Ask her for social services support as well as mental health support. She should be able to connect you with the services you so desperately need. Getting fired isn't going to help anything, it's just going to compound the situation that you are already in.
Please let us know how you are. You are in my thoughts today.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145