Jacksonville NC doctors.....
I would recommend Greenville since it's not too far from Jacksonville. My in-laws live there, so we head that way often. There are also a lot of girls down that way that have had the surgery. The two places in Greenvillle are: Southern Surgical ( http://www.southernsurgical.org/). They house MacDonald, Nazari and Mann. I loved the process with them and would HIGHLY recommend then, although there is a non-refundable fee of $200 for the education class. ECU's School of Medicine also has a program and if I'm not mistaken their educational class is free. They have Dr. Chapman and Dr. Pender that I know of. I suggest she research and talk to people who have had it to determine the best place for her. You've come to a good place for information. Good luck to you and her!
373/334/184/188/175/ - Highest/Surgery/Lowest-PrePregnancy/Current/First Goal
It's a BOY!