Cleared for soft foods
Hi Pam,
Boy, do I know what you mean about simple things tasting soooo gooood. The sharp pain that you felt was the egg 'getting stuck'. While you may have over filled the pouch, the eggs, as soft as they are can also be rather dense. That density can cause some real discomfort. Remember that your baby pouch is just a few days out from major surgery. Because of that, it is still very swollen; so eventually you will be able to eat a whole egg without incident, it will take a while until the swelling goes down and a whole egg fits. When you are eating, gooooo verrrrryyyyyyy slowly, chewing at least 30 times with each teeny, tiny bite. It will seem like overkill and as though you couldn't possibly chew a teeny, tiny bite of scrambled egg or cottage cheese so much, but it will really help. As you are doing this be sure to put your fork down between bites and really feel if you think you still have room for another bite of if you are full. Full shouldn't feel like pressure, just satiated, not empty. You will find that your sense of fullness or how you gauge it will change. It's this new sense of fullness that is going to guide you through not only your weightloss, but keeping it off. You will find that if you indulge just one bite too much, your pouch may have a stern discussion with you ... i.e., pain in the chest ... This definitely has a learning curve, but you'll get it soon. You just need to "REALLY LISTEN" to you pouch when it's talking to you so that it doesn't grab you up and shake you. I have to admit to have been shaken silly more than a few times. Also realize that something that doesn't agree with you this week, very well may next week or a few weeks down the road. So be gentle with yourself.
Congratulations on making the transition to soft foods.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145