any social workers out there
If so I need ya! I have been out of work with bipolar for 2 months now. I get paied once a month at my work. My pay check this month and next month will be 0. I don't know what I am going to do or how I am going to feed my daughter. I have never had to get help but always been on the poor side and this is reall driving me crazy. I just got out of rehab again for my anorexia and bipolar and can't think clear or good anymore and don't know how to get help and what help I can get until I get back to work or even if I can go back. I don't have disabuilty insurance. I have no money at all coming in for this month or next month. I am worring myself sick. I can't stop crying or puking. My nerves are off the hook right now. If you could please tell me how and what kind of help I can get I will be very thankful.
Amy - I am by no means an expert on this but I think you should try for SSI disability . I know NC has programs that will help you with things like utilities, food stamps, etc in cases where you're unable to work because of something like this. Call your local social security office and ask them about it, and call your local social services. You've done a great job getting help and now it's time for someone to help YOU! Good luck girl
Lexi - Size 6-8 and holding.
thank you so much for your help. My mind is so bad now I don't know what I am doing. I never wanted to be this way. It breaks my heart to be this way. I just can't think anymore. I have to be watched like a kid. My 16 year old daughter had to stop school to stay home with me. I leave burners on. I forget where I am. I am only 43 years old. I hope with the new meds I will be ok. They put me on depakote.
Thanks so much I feel so lost............
Start: 289 Current: 195 Goal: 170
"Stars light the way to the impossible, but when they fade, they reveal the possible!!!"
I kinda space out. Seems like the sun light or a bright light brings it on. They are not sure if it is seizurs or not. But they gave it to me for bipolar to stableize my moods. One second I am crying the next I am mean as a spider monkey. I wish I had been put on the depakote a year ago. The prozac throwed me down. I couldn't get out of the bed. I will be on the phone at 8:30 Monday morning with social services. We have a place that will give you free food if you have not income so I am going to hit them up Monday too. I don't eat much at all. One time a day. But my daughter has to eat. Thanks for the help. All of you made me feel so much better. I was about at my last yesterday.
Lexi - Size 6-8 and holding.
I'm not a social worker, but I agree with Lexi. You need to contact Social Services in your county and get a case worker that can help you navigate this. You might also be able to contact someone at UnitedWay for your county. You'll need medical help, financial support and someone to help you through this. You'll also need some help to ensure that your daughter gets the help and support she needs to help get you both through this difficult time. She should be able to get some special help with school and counseling support. An agency like UnitedWay may be able to get you in touch with people/organizations that help you with emergency funds and food.
I'm so very sorry that you are stuggling right now. I applaude you for reaching out for help. Keep trying, you are worth it.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I knew in the back of my mind this would happen if I went and got help at the hospital. But I would be dead if I didn't. I couldn't live the way I was. I am not a proud person at all. I am going to go and beg for help. I didn't think of a case worker. I don't have the mind to do things. I hate so bad I am doing this to my daughter. I wanna be better so bad. I know that bipolar people can take meds and lead a normal life. I want my normal life back. If it takes everything in me to do it. Thanks so much a case worker sounds so good. I thank you so much.