Update on the laser hair removal
So I went this morning to azalea gyn in wilmington to have my face zapped. It went well. It cost $75 (no upfront 90930430493.99 package!) Monica - the uh laserologist? or whatever? is awesome.
I highly recommend her, really.
DId it hurt? yeah - Imagine heating a popsicle stick up to about 300 degrees and snapping it against your face 75 or so times. Just an OUCH then a cold compress, over and over. The worst part? It STUNK - burnt hair smell, yeeeeeeeeeeech.
My face is a bit sore now, like rugburn, but not red anymore. Not sure how much improvement there is yet but time will tell. Monica said it generally removes about 10% of the hair at a time (well it doesnt remove - it kills the folicle so the hair itself still has to work its way out).
We shall seeeeeeeeeeee
Lexi - Size 6-8 and holding.
Hey Lexi -
My lovely sister has had this done and has had some real success. I know it's unpleasant, but she says she's delighted with the results.
Hang in there!
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
My chin and "upper neck" area. I have really dark hair, so even if I try to 'hide' it i have a shadow there, I can't wait to see the results from this.
It was funny, I went for my 6 week checkup today with my surgeon and he was pinching and poking my chin 'what's this? does this hurt? why's it red?" I whacked his hand and told him I had laser hair removal yesterday, he got all embarrassed lol
Lexi - Size 6-8 and holding.