Scales are moving again
Lost another 5lbs I toyed with the idea of not weighing till the first but I just had to know.
What a wonderful site to see this morning.
There have been some positive changes caring for mother and it has put it all in a new light for me.
Today we went to Duke and to UNC.
I am finally able to sit down and have the other half of my lentil soup.
Going to chill now and catch up on some pc stuff.
BTW My cycle has returned this morning LOL I thought I was over that but I figure more weight loss brought it back.
Annie, everytime I read a post of your's, it make me get warm fuzzies. You send out such nice vibes. Life sure has taken a turn, huh? lol. I'm happy your scale is rockin' once again, but I don't know if my sweater collection can keep up! lol. Have a wonderful day tomorrow and enjoy your walk....I'm tending to my baby guinea piggies.