A "BIG HEAD" wow-wee night! (And few new pics added)
Tonight was our annual Zebulon Chamber Banquet. I'm an Ambassador and have been pretty active in our Chamber for decades. It's been a while since I've seen much of anybody and most folks haven't seen me since surgery, or even knew I was having it.
I didn't work the Christmas Parade cause I will still "recovering" so I missed seeing a lot of folks that day.
As usual, I was at the door at the ticket-taking table greeting folks...
I always volunteer for that "job" so I get to see everybody that comes.
WELL... folks were blown away tonight,
and several very old friends did not even recognize me.
I had no many nice compliments... it was almost enough to make me cry. But instead, I just grinned from eat to ear and ate up every bit of it.
I bought myself a new top yesterday and put on a size 20 black pencil type stretchy pants I haven't worn in a VERY LONG TIME and waltzed right in there feeling damn good.
Now as y'all know from previous discussions, I'm not one who is shy or embarassed (I'm
) by compliments... I got lucky and got more than my share of self confidence and have always had it, fat or not. I suck in every one of those compliments as if they were that COLD PEPSI I was drooling for in an earlier post. When somebody would start "ooo-ing" and "ahhh-ing" I just threw my head back (and chest out, which ain't so hard to do now that "the girls" are getting biGGER), and twirled myself right around... so they could get a full 360 look at moi!
It was such a FUN night (except for the boring speaker-
), and I let every one of those folks who wanted to go on and on about how "YOU LOOK GREAT!" Who am I to be rude and stop 'em?
And instead of shying away, I just respond by saying... "and I FEEL so great too!"
I just can't wait to see their faces in a few months from now, or at NEXT year's banquet when a lot more of me is gone and I'm looking even MORE GREAT AND HOT!
For those of you who are embarassed or shy away from nice words from folks, let me know if I can
with lessons on how to get over that...
And oh, I was all gussied up and couldn't find sis to go by for them to take some new pictures, so I took some of myself before I left!
I couldn't get any decent full body shots, just some head/shoulders, but we'll work on those this weekend.
Headed to
now... a gal's gotta get that beauty rest, ya know!