I am Home - Still in alot of pain!
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to let you all know that I am home. My lungs kept me at Durham Regional another day since I had Atelectasis which kept my BP high and my oxygen level low.
The only signiicant pain I am having right now if my tailbone!
I'll keep everyone posted as the week goes on - it is had for me to sit for more than just a few minutes at a time....
Take Care
Hi Marie -
Congratulations on coming through your surgery well. I'm sorry to hear that you had a problem, but I'm glad it's resolved well.
I can't wait to "talk" to you soon and hear of your experience.
Please yell if there is anything you need.
All the best,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Oh hun, you are on your way, YOu just need to move around to fix that tailbone...lol... I still hurt but can lay on my left side at night. I just cant wait to have a bite of soild food...lol....I know im having head hunger pains but come on...lol....Good Luck to you!!!
May God Bless you and your family!!
I was just going to say getting up , even if for a minute or five, to walk around would get the pressure off. I HATE sitting .... and it still hurts....and I'm going on 7th week postop!
Congratulations on coming through surgery. Welcome home. You will start feeling better and better each day! Promise!!
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THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!