intestinal flu?
I just had the most "fluid" bm ever! Almost entirely water. DH had a somewhat similar issue a few minutes after me. (Not quite as fluid, but still really loose). I'm having lots of gurgling in the intestines and intestinal cramping. Had anyone else been thru this, and can you recommend any meds to stop the discomfort? Thanks!
Thanks kiddo! I ended up having really uncomfortable intestinal cramping for about six hours. Only one bout of "evacuation", at the beginning. I took a really hot shower and took some tylenol for the discomfort. It didn't help a ton, and so I went to bed. Laying down helped a lot. I woke in the middel of the nite with only minimal cramping (almost residual) and then slept in this morning. I feel a little achy now, but am definitely on the mend. Sure hope it's gone. And I do agree, letting the disease come out is really important. Thanks for your support.