Lap band/Self Pay
There is a new group that is headquarter on NC and is going to start a surgerical outpatient facility in the Charlotte area in the very near future. The deails are not yet on their website but I would also suggest that you call them to see what they have to say. ;o)
Oh are making me blush!!!! You must have been loking at someone else's pictures.
That's awesome news, Judy!!
I was in touch with New Hope back in the summer, thinking that the Charlotte-based company could probably be my answer to having the surgery within NC. At that time, they were still battling against the prevailing NC situation and didn't have anything off the ground here yet, even though they were having success in other states. I'm glad to hear they've had success here! That means more choices for the consumer and that's always a good thing. Do you know happen to know if there's a local surgeon on board with them? Here's their corporate website if anyone wants more information in addition to the patient website.