ACK someone just tried to break into my house!
Good dogs! GOOOD DOGS!!!
I was sitting here trolling the forums and heard someone at the back door, fiddling with the knob. The dogs went nutso. So I go turn on the back porch light and peek out and theres a guy standing RIGHT THERE in the window.
The dogs ran up and he stumbled back a little but he just stood there staring at the door til the cops came, he was pretty obviously messed up somehow and disoriented. Creeeeeeepy! Check your windows and doors people.
Lexi -
I'm so very glad that you are okay. As others have said, thank God for your dogs, the police, the fact the guy just waited for the police and most of all ... as Jennifer said, devine intervention.
I hope the guy gets the help he needs and you get some piece of mind know that your dogs and God are there to take care of you.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145