Feelin a little better
Yup, feelin a little more like myself. Don't know what did it, but I'm startin to want to do the things that I like and need to do. Still haven't made it to the gym, but I'm definately goin sometime this weekend.
Thank you for the encouragement Jennifer, Suzanne, and Diane. It means a lot to have you ladies there for me. :) Ya'll mentioned that it helps to come on this website and talk about your problems...you're right. I'm gonna try to get on here way more often than I have been lately.
I'm meetin my surgeon Dr Naziri tomorrow. Both excited and nervous. I'm kinda worried now though cuz somethin else came up...well, actually didn't come up..haha. My period!!! Ahhhh! It's 4 days late...I'm freakin out. Yeah, it's late sometimes, but I just got done with all my testing and now I'm scared that I might be pregnant. I think I do want another child, but not now! Not when I'm so close to gettin what I want/need! So for once, I'm prayin for my period. :) I'll let ya'll know how my meeting went soon. :)
Hey Shelly -
Glad to see you again. I hope that you continue to feel better. As Suzanne said, stress can mess around with your hormones and cycle... and she's right, whatever happens ... it will be as it is meant to be.
Take care,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145