Trying to Stay Calm
I had a dr's appt on tuesday with the WLS surgeon (my results visit), which I think was a little backwards...especially since they had already submitted my application to BCBS of NC, the friday before my visit. At the time of my visit, I found out they submitted the application for a roux-en-y when they knew that I requested to have the lap band. Actually, this doesn't surprise me because during the visit, they tried to convince me to have the roux-en-y instead. Now, in my surgeon's defense, it was the supporting staff that tried to convince me to have the roux-en-y ; not him. Today, I called my insurance to check on the status of my application and was informed that I was denied due to a lack of medically necessary conditions. I then called my doctor's office, and was told that I was denied because insurance was missing qualifying information in the application that was submitted. The office stated that they SHOULD be able to resubmit the application without following the appeal's process.
I work w/ BCBS NC on a daily is what they need: letter of medical nec from the surgeon, your nutrition evaluation, psych evaluation, your TSH level (which is in your labs) and a 4 -5 yr weight history. They are very easy to deal w/. They are very strict on their requirements but if you meet them then they will approve you. :) Now as for the resubmitting w/o using an appeal YES they can. They need to ask for a PCR (basicly a courtesy review). If it's denied again they can request a peer to peer again not having to go through appeal process but tell them to ask the PCR first.
Good luck and stay with it....if you meet the guidelines then you should haven't any problems and you shouldn't have to do anything they should do it for you.