Feeling really good
We went to a party last night and my friend who gave it let me know what food was going to be there.
I found out the deviled eggs did well.
I was worried at first about the eggs but I tried one and it did great.
I also had some cooked cabbage and green beans that was wonderful because I miss veggies soo much.
I also had one tiny chicken leg and it did good also.
My friend was worried because of the amount I had but I assured her I had plenty and was very satisfied.
I tried a small bite of her beef stew but my pouch said NO but that was ok.
My husband and I were talking the other day and he said he is avoiding some foods because he dosent want to tempt me.
I told him have those foods it is really ok because it wont bother me.
I know in my head I cant do certain things and for the first time ever I am ok with it.
After the canned ckicken episode I will try very hard to not eat something that may hurt me.
I cant describe how good I am feeling this morning but I am noticing I am moving easier and just feeling really good and happy.
Annie- reading your post this morning warmed my heart. Its such a quiet, personal feeling of triumph when you realize you can do this journey after WLS and reap all the benefits. Glad you have a good evening and enjoy the new found energy!
I am a work in progress and I am committed to progress with the work ahead of me.....
I know you are going to get to surgery.
You are a determined woman and it takes that to fight the system just remember keep copies of all your test and if you dont have a fax you may want to think about getting one.
Also make a folder in your email and save sent emails concerning your surgery and save any emails you recive about surgery and then when all is said and done you can delete them and empty the trash.