Ellen dear, To say we have all been concerned for you would be a gross understatement. Please know that I have prayed for you and your family daily. Congratulations on your weight loss! Miss Century Woman!!! I've never been to Catherine's but it sounds like a fun place to work. Sounds like you are keeping it all together. The Lord has seen you this far and He will see you through this trying time. Keep well, DianeF
Wow, Ellen. I am so happy for you, but at the same time my heart goes out to you. I can't make any judgement about your husband, b/c I don't know the situation. Even if it was a bad situation, it has to hurt. Yes, Ellen. Be strong and know that God will take care of you and he has a plan. Love yourself first. That way you will be able to be a great mom. You have raised a very intellegent, respectful son. He will do well. 100 pounds. Oh My God! I am so excited Ellen. That is fabulous! Congratulations on your new job!