Postal heat
A few years ago our mail carrier saved my grandmother's life. She had fallen in her front yard and hit her face on bricks around her flower bed. She was bleeding badly and confused and in terrible pain. She was in her late seventies then. She lived in a little house near us but we couldn't see her or hear her. Her next door neighbor had the AC and TV on and didn't hear or see a thing. The mail carrier was the only one and he was super and handled everything. To this day, 10 years later, my kids see him and remind me of what he did. Like I would ever forget. Loved your story of the bunny towel! Beth
That was a touching story about your Grandmother. I have never saved a life but I have helped a few people. An elderly woman fell and I helped her up an into the house and called her family. A guy was riding a horse and it slipped in a ditch and the horse would not get off the guy. I pulled the horses head up to get him off of man luckily they both were ok. I save turtles, have caught a few escaped horses. And rescued one baby goose. REported wild fires found lost dogs. It is a diff. story every day.
Thanks for the story about your Grandmother.
Have a nice week-end