trying to find answers
I have been sooooooooo informed on this site. I am to see my pcp tommorrow he is going to run some basic blood work and he said that he would be ok with lap band. he just wants to check me out first. completely understandable. He has been my doctor for the last 21 years. ok, so here is my questions. I have BCBSNC. providing that everything checks out on my blood work and my doc has givin me the ok whats next? I was reading on BCBSNC website and I have to go through a series of things before they ok me. I know he will have my weight for the last 21 years( been serverly overweight all my life) and all my blood work. so why the long wait in some of the other members cases on this site? is it the pcp? the surgen? or the insurer? who does the mental testing? Can my doctor sign off on that? and finally how long after you meet with the surgen can you get it done and can my pcp push things along a little faster? ok I think I am finished now. just like everyone else I want this done asap. any advice or experience ?
I have BCBS fed of NC...prob. very similar to yours. A pscycologist has to check you out. I got mine done in one trip but some said it took 2 or 3 for them. The WLS you choose will give you a list of things you must get done. Most of them you do yearly anyway. I have everything done except my upper gi. Because of hernias I may have to get a ct scan also. I first saw my surgon on June 8th and 90% of my list was done and I am still waiting for him to eval. my records. I am having trouble waiting but I was told he does 4 to 5 a day and there are ALways people in the office that are want-a- bees like me. Some Ins. require a period of time in which the patient must try to loose weight under a DrS care. Ours just requires a weight record for 5 yrs. Some Ins Co are really slow to approve the surgery.but to my understanding BCBS will approve fast if all your ducks are in a row. My advice ...(which I have been trying to follow also) your jets and just do what is on your wls surgeons list. Call a lot to make sure everything on the list is being sent and received. There seems to be a gap in that area. Iam sorry I got wordy but there are a lot of people here which have already been there. They are good people and will help you.
Good Luck
Tank you so much. So I guess I'll need my pcp to refer me to a sergen first and then I'll do whatever is required. I'm not worried about getting cleared for much. I don't have any sugar or heart problems as of yet and sadly I have been at 230lbs + for over 9yrs. (at 276lbs & 5'7ht for the past 2 years post baby) and I'm having additional blood work done tommorow. I Hate waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was hopeing that maybe my pcp could sign off on my psych eval. thank you again for your responce. I also want to add that reading everyones story of good days and bad days has made me soo excited for you guys that I can't wait to join ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi zoe. Your doctor's insurance rep will know what your individual insurance carrier requires. Just do what they say, and you'll be in the OR soon enough. I had a long wait, but that's because my insurance, MedCost, required a 6 month diet and exercise program (Which I had done in Virginia before we moved too. It took me nearly two years to get my surgery done). From what I read, BCBSNC is a quicker one. One of the women on here with that insurance was approved in one day after submission.
Your doctor's office, most likely, knows what is required. They're driving anyway, no matter what. The only thing I can think of that you could do is call your insurance company and ask what the requirements are. Be aware that some doctors require things that insurance doesn't, like losing 20 pounds. You'll have to comply with those or switch to a different doctor. I have no idea what your doctor requires, but others on this site that have had him will know.
Take care and good luck with approval.