ambulatory surgey center in NC for Lap Barnd??
I've found surgeon's in FL and GA who do the lap band at an ambulatory surgery center for thousands less than here in NC! The difference I've found is that the surgery is performed at an ambulatory suregery center vs. a hospital outpatient surgery center. The surgeon's fees are virtually the same; it's the hospital that raking in the extra dough
Did anyone here have their lap band surgery in NC at a free-standing ambulatory surgery center??
How much did you pay? (I'm a self-payer and I'm frugal, I admit it!) Thanks!
I believe Dr Volleinger in Charlotte performs LapBand in a free standing center. I was self pay and inquired about his rates and Dr Bauman. Just make sure ANY surgeon has done tons of the Bands.
I'm frugal too, but a skilled , experienced surgeon was more important. Possible complications otherwise may cost much more than just $$$$.
Good luck,
I am a work in progress and I am committed to progress with the work ahead of me.....
Thanks for the replies and the info about Dr. V.
You guys rock.
I checked out the Presbyterian website and see that he practices there and that they have a free-standing surgery center across the street from the main campus. I didn't see that he practices at any other hospitals -- is he on staff at Carolinas Medical as well?
I will be calling his pratice in the morning, for sure.
I would MUCH rather stay in-state than travel, especially for the after care. I absolutely want to get the best surgeon i can afford.
Thanks again,