Thanks to all for the responses. My computer has been at the Geek Squad for the last few days so I havent checked my messages. Unfortunately I only have four years of documentation 03-07 (nothing for 06) so I may just have to keep waiting. During those four years, I like many of you tried unsuccessfully to shed those lbs. So my weight fluctuated from a bmi of 40 to a bmi just under 40. Many of you gave some great ideas about documenting my weight. I just don't have it. I avoided getting on the scales.
I also do not have a long history with my doctor. When I talked to her about weight loss surgery and having her to write a letter and fill out the required forms, she was willing but would fill out anything she couldn't document. I even showed her pictures of me with my kids when they were small and me with my kids now. However, I went to go back to my PCP the other day because of severe reflux and told her that I have had several episodes before, she gave me samples of protonix for reflux. She never mentioned the word GERD but I'm hoping that will help my case since GERD is considered a co-morbidity.
I hope to go to DR. Mitchell in Pinehurst. Their bariatric center is a center of excellence. His nurse, Carmen, told me to send all my records to them and if their is a way , they will find it. She told me their is still hope. she also told me that 2007 would count as one of the years. I hope she's right.
My state health plan states" Morbid obesity (bmi 35 or greater associated with at least one of the problem listed in A. 1.b. or bmi of 40 or greater) has been present for four of the previous five years. It's frustrating but I have to keep on going. Thanks to everyone and I'll let you know how it goes.