Duke University
Hi Nicole,
I started at Duke to have wls but switched right at the end of all my preop.
i could name you list of things that happend to me there and none were favorable as far as I was concerned. Keep in mind Duke requires you to stay at the same weight you are at when you start your preop testing. Also I had to have a heart echo done there and while the tech who was doing it started to tell me about his website and for me to try his diet and not to have wls! If I were you Nicole, I would go to UNC like Diane has said. I also have heard many people left the wls program at Duke and went elsewhere. I have never talked to much on the boards about what happend to me at Duke but by your post I am telling you a few things that happend to me. I also found Duke required some things to be met before surgery that are not issues with most insurance company's. Nicole I dont want to scare you but if I were you I would run to UNC and never look back at Duke. Annie
I have to tell you that while I have some issues about communication at Duke and I did have a complication that is rare, I do believe that I was/am in competent hands. Dr. DeMaria is a leader in the field and has been actively performing bariatric surgeries for more than 15 years.
Do not get me wrong, I was mad as a wet hen when Dr. DeMaria didn't see me at all post op. I didn't hear from him or see him until I had my 3wk post op visit. At that time, Dr. DeMaria met with me for over 30 mins and answered all of my questions and addressed my concerns. My mother asked him if she would be a candidate and he talked with her about it. I would feel comfortable having him perform surgery on my mother.
I believe that what you might learn from my experience is that Dr. DeMaria often has the Dr's undergoing their fellowship with him do the post-op follow-up. I wish I had known that ahead of time. I still think it would have been reasonable and appropriate for Dr. DeMaria to talk with me directly, especially since there was a complication.
I think that UNC Chapel Hill has a fine program. If my insurance had allowed, I might have selected them. I think it is a smaller, more intimate program. However, it is not a Medicare Certified Centre of Excellence (COE) and my insurance requires that any bariatric procedure be performed at a COE, therefore, UNC CH was not even an option.
As Diane suggested, please do read my blog. I also urge you to check with the program(s) you are considering to find out what their complication rates are ... You will get that information from Duke when you go to the seminar.
I hope that this helps. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly.
All the best,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145