Updaste on nowmarg (Margaret)...
I haven't seen anyone post about her, but she had her surgery with Dr. M right before he did my EDG on Friday. He said she is "solid"... I guess that is his way of saying she is in good shape. I don't have her last name or I would try to check in on her. If anyone finds out anything, please keep the group informed. Everyone keep her in your prayers...
I'm sorry to ask a dumb question but my brain obviously isn't working correctly tonight! Does she post on this forum on a regular basis? Just trying to put a "face" with the name if you know what I mean! I think I'm going crazy or something!!
Life is short ~ dance like no one's watching!!
Thanks for asking about me. Surgery went very well, but I suffered with nausea. I did not come home until Tues for that reason. 4th was first full day at home, and it went really well. Not having any trouble eating or drinking, it is just an all day process. As my husband said this is not about no food, it is all about food. He cooked and pureed all day. You are going to be so pleased with your care at Pinehurst and with Dr. Mitchell and his entire staff. I am excited for you. Good luck. Margaret